Kiwi Makes Your Rival Pay.
A little bit ago, I touched on programs in Combat Zone, and to further that discussion, it’s time to look at Kiwi. Like Pilar, she fills a flexible offensive position on the team. She works best when her team supports her, allowing her to focus on positioning, [RE]actions, and hacks.
Expecting her fair wage at 20€$, she’s a no-frills Netrunning powerhouse. She’s a merc as well, so she’s a reasonable candidate in almost any faction. By default, she’s got three YELLOW actions, 1 Ranged, 1 Reflexes, and a whopping 3 Tech. That’s one of the highest Tech skills available. She can jump up to 4 Tech for just a few eddies with the Cyberarm Cyberdeck gear.
A Netrunner can buy a program for each Tech skill they have. It can start to cost a few eddies, but Kiwi has enough program slots to come stacked with an answer to multiple problems. She can run Weapon Glitch to shut down powerful attacks, Ban Hammer to turn off rival programs, and Flak to impede rival ranged attacks. That’s a lot of harassment on a 3 action Netrunner.
Many programs affect all Hacked rivals, so placing multiple Hacked tokens can make programs significantly stronger. That’s where Kiwi’s Snap Hack ability comes in. When an attack against her fails, the attacker gets a Hacked token. If she’s already got a program running, it can be worth it to use your Luck tokens to re-roll her defense die, as suddenly getting a hacked token can mean being debuffed mid-activation! When she has [RE]actions available, your rival’s attacks against Kiwi always have consequences.
Gee, I wonder who’s left for next time?
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