Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone is an officially licensed skirmish game bringing the hit CD Projekt Red and Netflix series, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, to your Combat Zone tabletop. This 2-player starter set has been specially designed to make your entry into Combat Zone as easy as possible, whether you are an experienced tabletop skirmish player or a fan of the Netflix series looking for a great new game to play with your friends.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone 2-Player Starter
Its never been easier to play tabletop skirmish combat!
Combat Zone features the fast-paced [RE]action game engine where players can act and react in organic, free-flowing actions. No rounds, no phases provide a fast and cinematic experience. As your characters take hits and get wounded, their abilities degrade - so strike hard and strike fast!
Combat Zone leaves the traditional rulers and tape measure behind and introduces a new “Limiter” based movement and range system, where your characters’ attacks and movement depend on the quality of their actions. Choose your actions wisely, Green, Yellow, and Red Actions all have different chances to succeed!
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone comes with a 22" x 30" game board, incredible 3D Night City ruins terrain, cards, dice, tokens, rulebooks, and acrylic StandUpz™ standees. Everything including the standees and terrain are in stunning full color allowing you to begin playing your games immediately with a rich, immersive experience!
![[RE]action System Dice and Tokens](
The game includes two complete gangs: Santo Domingo Edgerunners and Arasaka Corporation with full-color StandUpz™ standees, character cards, gear cards, and program cards. Both factions have enough gangers to build multiple, varied rosters so that you can field diverse forces from game to game.
Santo Domingo Edgerunners
It’s about time you chromed up, choom. Whether it’s speed, firepower, or a nova netrunner you’re looking for, this crew’s got it. From the streets of Night City, these legends aren’t afraid to stick it to the corps. Just make sure their eddies are waiting when the job’s done.
Arasaka Corporation
The Arasaka Corporation employs some of the deadliest strike forces the world will ever know. Even their boardroom suits have a few tricks up their sleeves. Atop these hired soldiers and killers stands Adam Smasher. With a cyber-monstrosity like him at your disposal, there’s no Arasaka interest you can’t protect.

The [RE]action System
Characters have green, yellow, and red actions. Depending on what color action you're taking, you'll roll a different size die or move a different distance. As characters take wounds, their actions turn red - and the red action dice is only six-sided!
When characters are wounded, they don't just stand there and take it - they [Re]act! Counterattack, dodge, or use one of their special abilities. You don't last long in the Combat Zone if you just stand around getting shot!

Each character in Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone has a character card with their skills, abilities, and gear. Some characters are fearsome fighters, some are technical geniuses, and others are brilliant leaders.
The characters' cards are the core of the [RE]action system: they tell you how many actions that character has available, what their skills are, and what special abilities or gear they have.
The Limiter
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone uses a unique measuring system: the Limiter. The Limiter is divided into three areas, matching the three colors of the action dice: red, yellow, and green. When you're taking movement actions, you can move along the color of the action you took. So if you use a valuable green action to move, you'll be able to sprint much farther across the board than you could with a red action. Flip a green action? Move a green distance! Now that's moving!
The Limiter is also used to measure the ranges of all your actions and attacks. Each action has a range pictured above the effect: your target must be within that range. Some actions, like firing a sniper rifle or rocket launcher, may require your target to be "beyond the limit" - meaning they can't be closer than the length of the limiter.

When a character takes an action, they roll the color die that matches the action they just used: taking a green action? Roll a twelve-sided green die. Taking a yellow action? Roll an eight-sided yellow die. The higher your roll, the greater your chance of your action succeeding (plus every roll has a chance of a Critical Success or Failure).
After rolling, characters add their skills to their dice rolls. So the higher their skill, the better chance they have of success when taking an action that uses that skill.
When you take actions, you're often targeting a rival - and they have something to say about it. You add your Skill to your dice roll, but your target also rolls a die and adds their skill. An action is successful when your dice roll beats your target's result. Not all actions are attacks, but successful attacks wound their target, turning one of the target's actions red.
But it doesn't stop there - If your action successfully wounds your target, your target will have a chance to [RE]act, if they have any unspent actions. They can react and counterattack, dart away, or use one of their special abilities. If they counterattack, they must target the rival that wounded them. Moving away after being wounded may prevent you from being wounded again before that character can act.

Control the Battle
At any given time, one player has Control of the battle. The character with Contol of the battle is the one who is currently taking actions with one of their characters. You lose control when your active character runs out of Actions. Characters can try to activate other friendly characters. When your rival has control of the battle, you can attempt to take control with a Reaction!
This creates fast-paced back and forth gameplay, where control of the game passes back and forth, without getting bogged down in phases, upkeep, and accounting.