The Drop Out Who Chromed Up!
Salutations Chooms!
In the last bit, I talked about Maine and his role as a Leader, so today, I’d like to talk about David Martinez. It’s his cyber-compatibility at the center of many threads in the Netflix series, and I really wanted to bring that to the [RE]action battlespace.
Let’s start with the little legal text on David’s card… you can only bring one David Martinez. Why is this? Shouldn’t the specialist keyword handle that? Well, normally, yes… but David’s got two versions. A young buck and a more experienced Leader version. They both operate pretty similarly, so I’ll focus on the juvenile David, as he’s available to all the factions.
David is an Edgerunner, which should come as no shock. In addition, he’s got the Merc and Specialist keywords. Merc allows other factions to hire him, and Specialist means you can only bring one of the model. This is all pretty standard stuff.
His actions are where David really shines. First, he comes standard with 3 YELLOW actions and a Sandevistan. The sandy gives him 2 more YELLOW tokens that can only be used for [RE]actions. That’s a total of five actions. That’s the most in the game for 20 €$.
That Sandevistan is part of a new type of cyber that’s hitting the [RE]action system. Both it and the Jump Booster come with additional action tokens that don’t refresh when you Inspire Your Team. This limits how often you can use them, typically just once or twice during a game.
But not David. No, no, he’s got the Cyber-Simpatico special ability, which allows him to refresh one of his Cybergear tokens every time he activates. This gives him a lot of [RE]actions when he needs them.
His skills are… fine. They’re fine. He’s not exactly the most practiced shot. He’s got 2 Melee skill, which helps him land a punch, and he’s got 1 Reflex, so he’s not too easy to shoot… but he’s not exactly a tank. If you want to keep him alive, you might consider some Kevlar or subdermal armor.
Next time, I think I’ll talk about Dorio. She’s one of my favs.
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