In the furthest reaches of the world, pine trees give way to endless icy glaciers.
Only the bravest adventurers dare to explore the secrets of the frozen wastelands!
Monster Scenery presents: Ice Wilds!
Explore the frozen northlands with this game-ready scenery. While our first Monster Scenery Kickstarter campaign introduced our core range of trees and hills to quickly and easily fill tables with an impressive pre-painted landscape; Ice Wilds expands on the range, offering a complete array of icy, wintry scenery that includes Pine Trees, Ice Hills, Glacial Game Mats, and much more!
Our pine tree sets push the innovation of the original Monster Scenery Trees up a few notches. The trees have four different sizes of tree tops that can be stacked, mixed, and matched to make impressively tall trees! These trees are also super durable and can be packed up easily for another game day.
Along with the all-new Pine Trees, we’ve also given our popular rocky hills the winter treatment, with three new styles of Ice Hills! You can choose from snowy ice hills, glacial ice, or frosted ice.
The clear ice creates a really neat effect. The hills are made from a transparent blue plastic that looks great on the tabletop. And like the original rocky hills, the ice is hollow, so you can “freeze” miniatures and objectives in the ice!
We know you'll enjoy the warmth of the room as you "feel" the winter freeze!